I thought I would make an introduction to who I am and why I have decided to make this Wargaming Blog, and what I plan to have in it.
About me then. The interest for wargaming (specially Warhammer) have been with me for a long time. I bought my first miniature at the age of eleven and now at the age of 27 the interest has only increased.
As stated I am 27 and I am from Sweden, so if you find any fault in my english writing that is why! At the present I play both Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy and a bunch of boardgames, and the chance is this will increase with time.
My main armies that I play and that probably will get the most focus on this blog is Wood Elves in Warhammer Fantasy and Blood Angels in Warhammer 40k. Beside this I have numerous small projects, specially in fantasy, where I now at a slow rate collect Lizardmen, The Empire, Warriors of Chaos and Dark Elves. I also have a bunch of Imperial Guard models for 40k which I plan to use as an allied army to my Blood Angels once everything is done.
As for gaming I am currently in a gaming group of about seven people and normally we play at least once every week. I will put up a link to the group's facebook page and blog as soon as I get used to everything on this blog and actually learns where everything is. At the moment we have some things happening, first of all I am making a new game board in winter theme which is for the group. I will most certainly post pictures once I get some results. And second we have a tournament coming up in April. This is a Fantasy tournament at 2500 points called The Necromancian Quest which will be played here in Stockholm where I live.
At the moment I struggle with my tournament list, but I will post different suggestions and showcase that particular army once everything in it is painted. It may be also worth mentioning that this is my first tournament, which is why I have trouble finding a right list!
To finish everything off I'm just gonna tell my plan for this blog. First, the current layout is only temporary, once I get to take a bunch of pictures and get some more time to work on this everything will be altered. I basically plan to post what I am currently up, no matter the gaming system, and just post a bunch of pictures of finished projects, maybe write about a battle, strategies, army lists and so forth.
Hope you will enjoy what is to come!