onsdag 20 november 2013

The Asrai of Athel Loren

So, some pics of my main army, the Wood Elves!

The King of the woods, Orion! 

Glade Guards with flaming banner

Eternal Guard with BsB

Wardancers, the Heralds of Loec

Tree Kins

Dryads led by Drycha


My first Eagle Noble

Wild Riders, the priests of Orion


Highborn on dragon. An old model of Asarnil the Dragonlord, a Dogs of War character which I painted up for my Wood Elves when I got into the hobby again.

Glade Riders

My second Eagle Noble


onsdag 6 november 2013

Death From Above!

Here comes all the Blood Angels that I have painted up. I don't work too much with them since my gaming club plays 90% fantasy, but still love the BA. Next project with them is to finish up the Sanguinary Guard with Dante, a Librarian-Dreadnaught and a squad of Devestators.

When I started the Blood Angels I knew I wanted a lot of Jump Packs in it. I really love the thought of an Elite army falling down from the skies in deep strikes and just rushes forward in high speed on the battlefield! That supported by Devestators and Predators, which make up a solid punch in the range department, is how I want to play the army.

I have also started a Youtube channel and will try to do some army showcases and batreps! Check it out on dwellerfrombelow. Will try to add videos really soon!

Assault Squad with Captain Domitius and a Drop Pod

Death Company with Chaplain/Reclusiarch, dreadnaught and Astorath the Grim.

The one and only Mephiston, with my two finished Sanguinary Guard which I often use as Sanguinary Priests.

Vanguard Veterans, swords got bent when they stood too close to a lamp... hate finecast!

Baal Predator, just love this tank, will probably get more in the future

Front of the Stormraven

Stormraven in all it's glory! Just love it. 
Did some work on the base, nothing spectacular but at least something

lördag 26 oktober 2013

The Night is dark and full of terrors...

So! Finally an update. Real Life slapped me in the face and I haven't been able to update the blog for what feels like an eternity, but now I'm rolling again! Here comes my Dark Elves Army which I now have expanded enough to play with!
Corsairs, mainly a unit to fill up Core when Witch Elves is not enough!

Assassins and a Dreadlord

Bloodwrack Medusa, just love the model so had to have it! Can see some potential in it as well in games as chaff/redirector to my generals unit.

Kharybdiss, just because I already have a Hydra :)

Converted Dark Riders from Wood Elves Glade Riders with some kit bashing.

Dreadlord on dragon... just love the model, painted it in an evening, a must have in larger battles!

The old Hydra, imo looks a LOT better then the new one!

Love Executioners, hate the new models, will try to find another 15 to bolster the ranks for my standard list in which I want to have a horde of 30.

The old Cauldron.. Going to use the Hag for a unit filler to my Witch Elves and use the Cauldron to make an Altar of Khaine

Cold One knights with Malus, gonna bolster the number to a 10 man unit with Malus as a Character/Champion

The only non-painted unit, first 10 are done, the rest... let's just say I wandered to hell and back just to finish the first 10!

New Cauldron, made the mistake to accidentally base one WE black, therefore the haircolor... gonna change it soon though! Otherwise, love the model in a game but is a nightmare to rank up with Witch Elves.

The Army as it is to date! My closest additions is going to be 5 or 10 Warlocks, 15 more executioners and some more Cold One Knights!

tisdag 4 juni 2013

Even more Dogs of War

So, the army is beginning to take shape, still have alot of models that I am waiting for to show up, but I can soon field enough to do my first test-battle with them! :)

Here comes the new units:
The paymaster with his paychest and bodyguard on a 40mm base

Added a shield to him aswell

Paymaster with the whole bodyguard unit

Braganzas Besiegers! Just love these models

I have worked a bit om my Dark Elves aswell, just need to take som pics and they will get up here aswell!